Selling your House |
Being tidy is an obvious, and easy starter. If your house looks clean and tidy it will create a much better impression than if it is untidy or dirty. Even though all your things will be moved when the new buyer moves in, first impressions do count. This includes the outside as well! People often make a decision before they even get in the house.
Make sure all the decorating is tidy and complete. There is no need to redecorate, just make sure all paint looks good etc. This includes the outside as well! People often make a decision before they even get in the house. If people are put off before they even get in the house, then everyone is just wasting time. Make sure the front of the house is clean, paint is in good condition and the grass is cut. Even a good car outside can impress a prospective buyer subconsciously.
Storage Space
It is best to store away, out of sight, as much ‘clutter’ as possible. Think of good storage spaces, such as boxes under the bed. This should make the house feel larger, if lots of space is not taken up by unnecessary junk.
The smell of a property can often affect the buyer subconsciously. If the property is musty this can put a buyer off the property easily – ensure that your house is well aired. If there is a homely smell of flowers or cakes baking, this can make a buyer feel much more at home, and already mentally moving in.
It seems obvious, but always be very hospitable to people visiting your house. Offer them a cup of coffee or tea, ask them if they found the house ok, and offer any information they ask about. It can even be worth having a plan for how to greet visitors, but not too detailed as you dont want to sound like you are reading a script!