A recent survey by Halifax Estate Agency has found that some people moving out of properties are taking almost everything possible with them to their new house.
The research has shown that garden plants are the most popular ‘fixed’ items for people to take with them when moving out. More than a quarter of those surveyed said they had taken plants with them when moving.
Light fittings and bulbs were also popular items, along with toilet roll holders and towel rails.
A more extreme item is the house number plaque – often taken as a souvenir. This is not a good thing to be missing when your removal company is attempting to find your new residence!
The Managing Director of Halifax Estate Agency, Colin Kemp, said;
“It would be nice to think that everybody would leave their old homes, as they would wish to find their new ones, but unfortunately this is not always the case – despite the fact that people are only saving themselves a relatively small sum by taking items like light bulbs and house number plaques.
“The key is to ensure that you have documentation stating precisely what will be left behind or taken. Also know your rights when it comes to what constitutes fixtures and fittings.”
So, this should hopefully remind those of you moving in the near future, to make sure all fixtures and fittings are clearly defined as either staying or leaving before the move occurs. This would normally be completed by your conveyancer using a “Fixtures, Fittings and Contents” form.